Did you concoct your own rocks? Tell us about it!
5/28/2012 11:49:26 pm

I made brownies that look like sedementary rocks they look like sedemetary rocks because they have layers the first layer was the caremel then hot fudge next chocolet atfter white chocolet last of all the squishie insides. Yummmy!

5/28/2012 11:54:45 pm

First i used 3 star burst.
I got some tinfoil and put it around the 3
starburst and crushed them into Medimorphic rocks.
I had the colors red,yellow and pink.
It looked like a flat thing that was yellow,red and pink mixed
It was sticky when i started to eat it.
The starburst tasted like the flavor of yellow,pink and red mixed together in a flat shape like thing.


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